Terms of Service
Last Updated: February 22, 2025
1. Introduction and Acceptance of Terms
These Terms of Service ("Terms") constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Betz Zeit UG (haftungsbeschränkt), doing business as FoxEatFish ("FoxEatFish," "we," "us," or "our"), regarding your use of our AI search visibility analytics platform, website, APIs, and related services (collectively, the "Service").
By accessing or using our Service, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to enter into these Terms. If you are entering into these Terms on behalf of a legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that entity. If you do not agree to these Terms or do not have such authority, you must not access or use the Service.
2. Company Information
Legal Entity: Betz Zeit UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Registered Address: Mitterfeldstraße 33, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 82467, Bavaria, Germany
Commercial Register (Handelsregister): HRB 298275
Managing Director: Vincent Betz
Contact Email: vincent@foxeatfish.com
3. Service Description
3.1 Platform Purpose
FoxEatFishprovides a proprietary analytics platform designed to analyze and report oncompany visibility in AI-powered search results. The Service includes dataanalysis, visualization tools, and optimization recommendations through ourproprietary algorithms and methodologies.
3.2 ServiceFeatures
The Serviceencompasses our proprietary analysis systems, including but not limited to:
- Companyvisibility analysis in AI search results
-Category-based performance metrics
-Competitive analysis and benchmarking
- Datavisualization and reporting
-Downloadable analysis reports
-Credit-based access system
3.3 ServiceLimitations
The Serviceprovides analysis based on available data and current AI search enginebehaviors. Results are indicative and may vary based on external factors beyondour control, including changes in AI search algorithms, market conditions, anddata availability.
4. User Accounts and Registration
4.1 AccountRequirements
To use our Service,you must:
(a) Be atleast 18 years of age or have the legal capacity to enter into bindingcontracts under applicable law
(b)Maintain and update your registration information
(c) Acceptresponsibility for all activities under your account
(d) Complywith all applicable laws and regulations
4.2 AccountSecurity
You areresponsible for:
(a)Maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials
(b)Implementing appropriate security measures to protect your account
(c)Notifying us immediately at info@foxeatfish.com of any unauthorized access
(d) Allactivities that occur under your account, whether or not authorized
4.3 AccountRestrictions
You maynot:
(a) Share youraccount credentials with any third party
(b) Use theService for any unlawful purpose
(c) Attemptto gain unauthorized access to the Service
(d)Interfere with other users' access to the Service
5. Subscription and Payment Terms
5.1 Analysis Credits System
5.1.1 Credit Requirements and Validity
(a)Analysis credits are the mandatory currency for accessing our analyticalservices
(b) Eachcredit permits one complete analysis or sub analysis, or equivalent serviceusage
(c) Creditsexpire automatically three (3) months from the purchase date
(d) Expiredcredits are non-refundable and non-transferable
(e) Creditshave no cash value and cannot be exchanged for monetary compensation
5.1.2 Credit Modifications
(a) Wereserve the right to modify the credit system, including:
- Adjustingcredit values
- Modifyingexpiration periods
- Changingcredit requirements for specific services
(b) Changesto the credit system will be announced at least 10 days in advance
(c)Existing credits may be converted to new values during system updates at ourdiscretion
5.2 PaymentProcessing
5.2.1 Payment Terms
(a) Allpayments are processed through Stripe's secure payment system
(b) Pricesare displayed in EUR and include applicable German VAT
(c) Paymentobligations are non-cancelable
(d) Feesare non-refundable except as expressly provided in these Terms
5.2.2 Payment Authorization
Bypurchasing credits, you:
(a)Authorize us to charge your chosen payment method
(b)Represent that you have the legal right to use the payment method
(c) Agreeto provide current, complete, and accurate billing information
5.3 RefundPolicy
5.3.1 Refund Eligibility
Refunds maybe issued under the following circumstances:
(a) Servicefails to deliver documented metrics
(b)Technical issues prevent analysis completion
(c) Systemerrors materially affect analysis accuracy
5.3.2 Compensation Options
(a) Tworeplacement analysis credits for each affected analysis
(b) Partialrefund for affected analyses within a package
(c) Fullrefund in cases of complete service failure
(d) Choiceof compensation method at our discretion
6. Service Performance and Availability
6.1 Geographic Availability
6.1.1 Service Regions
(a) Serviceis available worldwide except in European Union countries (excluding Germany)
(b) Accessfrom restricted territories is prohibited
(c) Usersare responsible for compliance with local laws
(d) Wereserve the right to modify service availability without notice
6.1.2Regional Compliance
(a) Usersmust comply with all applicable local laws
(b) Servicefeatures may vary by region
(c)Regional restrictions may apply to specific functionalities
6.2 Performance Standards
6.2.1 Service Levels
(a) 95%uptime guarantee measured monthly
(b)Scheduled maintenance windows:
- Maximumtwice weekly
- Outside8am-9pm Pacific Time
- Limitedto one hour per session
(c)Maintenance notifications provided 24 hours in advance
(d)Emergency maintenance excluded from notification requirement
6.2.2 Analysis Processing
(a)Standard processing time: 10 minutes
(b) Maximumprocessing time: 24 hours
(c)Processing delays possible during peak demand
(d) Noguarantee of specific processing times
7. Data Processing and Privacy
7.1 DataProcessing Terms
7.1.1 LegalBasis for Processing
(a) Weprocess personal data in accordance with:
- GermanFederal Data Protection Act (BDSG)
- GeneralData Protection Regulation (GDPR)
-Applicable telecommunications laws
(b)Processing is based on:
- Contractperformance necessity
- Legalobligations
-Legitimate business interests
- Userconsent where required
7.1.2 DataController Status
(a) Betz Zeit UG (haftungsbeschränkt) acts as the datacontroller
(b) Usersremain controllers of their own customer data
(c) We actas processor for analysis-specific data
7.2 DataCollection and Processing
7.2.1Personal Data Collection
We collectand process:
(a) AccountInformation:
- Usernameand encrypted email address
- Encryptedpassword
- Accountpreferences
(b) CompanyData:
- Companyname and details
- Industryinformation
- WebsiteURLs
- Analysisparameters
(c) PaymentInformation:
-Transaction records
- Paymentmethod details (processed by Stripe)
(d) Usage Data:
- Serviceinteraction logs
- Analysishistory
- Technicalmetrics
7.2.2 DataStorage and Security
(a) Primarystorage on Google Cloud SQL Database
(b)Security measures include:
-Industry-standard encryption
- Accesscontrols
- Regularsecurity audits
- Automatedthreat detection
- Backupsystems
(c) Datacenter location: USA
- GoogleCloud (infrastructure)
- Stripe(payment processing)
7.3 DataRetention and Deletion
7.3.1 Retention Periods
(a) Accountdata: Duration of account activity
(b)Analysis data: Until user deletion
(c) Paymentrecords: As required by law
(d) Usagelogs: 12 months
7.3.2 Deletion Rights and Process
(a) Usersmay request data deletion by emailing info@foxeatfish.com
(b)Deletion requests processed within 24 hours
(c)Confirmation provided upon completion
(d) Certaindata retained if legally required
7.4 DataAccess and Control
7.4.1 UserRights
Users may:
(a) Accesstheir personal data
(b) Correctinaccurate data
(c) Exportanalysis data
(d) Requestdata portability
(e) Objectto processing
(f)Withdraw consent
7.4.2 DataAccess Methods
(a) Directdownload through platform
(b) Excelformat export
(c) Emailrequest for additional data
(d) APIaccess where applicable
7.5 Cross-border Data Transfers
7.5.1 DataTransfer Mechanisms
(a)Transfers limited to necessary processing
(b)Appropriate safeguards implemented
(c)Standard contractual clauses used where required
(d) PrivacyShield compliance where applicable
7.5.2 International Processing
(a) Primaryprocessing in Germany
(b) Limitedprocessing in approved third countries
(c) Usernotification of significant changes
(d)Additional safeguards as required
8. Intellectual Property Rights
8.1 ServiceOwnership
8.1.1 FoxEatFish Property Rights
(a)FoxEatFish exclusively owns all rights to:
- Serviceplatform and infrastructure
-Proprietary algorithms and methodologies
- Analysisframeworks and processes
- Userinterface and design elements
-Documentation and training materials
(b) Allrights not expressly granted are reserved
8.1.2 License Grant
(a) Usersreceive a limited, non-exclusive license to:
- Accessand use the Service
- Generateand export analyses
- Downloadand use reports
(b) Licenseis non-transferable and non-sublicensable
(c) Licensevalid only during active subscription
8.2 UserRights and Content
8.2.1 Analysis Results
(a) Usersretain ownership of:
- Inputdata
- Generatedanalysis results
- Exportedreports
- Customconfigurations
(b)FoxEatFish maintains right to:
- Analyzeanonymized data
- ImproveService using aggregated insights
- Createderivative works from anonymized data
8.2.2 UsageRights
Users may:
(a) Shareanalysis results internally
(b) Includeresults in business reporting
(c) Exportdata in provided formats
(d) Createderivative works from their results
9. Limitation of Liability
9.1 Disclaimer of Warranties
9.1.1 Service Provision
(a) Serviceprovided "as is" and "as available"
(b) Nowarranty of:
-Uninterrupted service
-Error-free operation
- Analysisaccuracy
- Specificresults
(c) Allimplied warranties expressly disclaimed
9.1.2 Analysis Results
(a) Noguarantee of:
- Specificvisibility improvements
-Competitive advantages
- Businessoutcomes
- Marketperformance
9.2 Limitation of Liability
9.2.1 Liability Caps
(a) Maximumliability limited to:
- Amountpaid for affected analysis
(b) Noliability for:
- Indirectdamages
- Lostprofits
- Data loss
- Businessinterruption
-Third-party claims
9.2.2 Exclusions
Liabilitycannot be limited for:
(a) Grossnegligence
(b) Willfulmisconduct
(c) Deathor personal injury
(d)Mandatory statutory liability
9.3 Indemnification
9.3.1 UserIndemnification
Users agreeto indemnify FoxEatFish against claims arising from:
(a)Violation of these Terms
(b)Unauthorized use of Service
(c)Violation of third-party rights
(d)Violation of applicable laws
9.3.2 Defense Rights
FoxEatFishreserves the right to:
(a) Assumeexclusive defense
(b) Controlany proceedings
(c) Settleany claims
(d) Requireuser cooperation
10. Service Updates and Modifications
10.1 Service Changes
10.1.1 Modification Rights
We reservethe right to:
(a) Modifyor discontinue Service features
(b) Updateanalysis methodologies
(c) Changetechnical specifications
(d) Alteruser interfaces
(e) Adjustsystem requirements
10.1.2 Implementation of Changes
(a)Material changes announced 7 days in advance
(b)Emergency changes implemented immediately
(c)Technical improvements without notice
(d)Documentation updated to reflect changes
10.2 Pricing and Credit System Updates
10.2.1 Pricing Modifications
(a) Pricechanges not announced in advance
(b) Changesapply to subsequent purchases
(c)Existing credits honored at purchase value
(d) Packagepricing subject to market adjustment
10.2.2 Credit System Changes
(a) Systemmodifications announced in advance
(b) Fairconversion of existing credits
(c) Usernotification via email and platform
(d) Graceperiod for credit usage
(e) In theevent of problems or complaints in this regard, contact info@foxeatfish.com.You will receive response within 24 hours.
11. Dispute Resolution
11.1Governing Law
11.1.1 Applicable Law
(a) Germanlaw governs these Terms
(b) UNConvention on Contracts explicitly excluded
(c)Conflict of law provisions excluded
(d) Englishtext version prevails
11.1.2 Jurisdiction
(a) Courtsof Bavaria, Germany have exclusive jurisdiction
(b) Placeof performance is Munich
(c) Onlinedispute resolution available under EU Regulation No. 524/2013
11.2 Dispute Process
11.2.1 Resolution Steps
(a)Informal resolution attempt required
(b) Writtennotice of dispute required
(c) 30-daynegotiation period
(d)Mediation before litigation
11.2.2 Legal Proceedings
(a) Classactions expressly waived
(b)Individual proceedings only
(c)Injunctive relief available
(d) Smallclaims permitted
12. Final Provisions
12.1 Communications
12.1.1 Official Notices
(a) Emailnotifications to registered address
(b)Platform announcements
(c) Writtennotices to company address
(d)Language: English or German
12.1.2 Contact Methods
Fordifferent matters:
(a)Technical support: info@foxeatfish.com
(b) Accountissues: info@foxeatfish.com
(c) Legalnotices: Registered company address
(d) Billinginquiries: Through platform
12.2 Severability
12.2.1 Clause Independence
(a) Eachprovision independently valid
(b) Invalidprovisions severable
(c) Validprovisions remain binding
(d)Replacement of invalid terms
12.2.2 Interpretation Principles
(a) Termsinterpreted to maximum effect
(b) Sectionheadings for convenience only
(c) Nowaiver by non-enforcement
(d) Termssurvive termination where appropriate
12.3 Assignment
12.3.1 Transfer Rights
(a)FoxEatFish may assign rights freely
(b) Userassignment requires written consent
(c)Merger/acquisition transfers permitted
(d) Noticeof assignment provided
12.3.2 Successor Rights
(a) Termsbind successors and assigns
(b) Rightstransfer with business sale
(c) Userrights non-transferable
(d) Accountsharing prohibited
13. Changes to Terms
13.1 Modification Process
(a) Termsupdated periodically
(b)Material changes not notified prior
(c)Continued use accepts changes
(d) Rightto terminate if changes unacceptable
13.2 Version Control
(a) Currentversion effective: February 24, 2025
(b) Priorversions archived
(c) Version history maintained
(d) Change documentation available on request